Why replace my running shoes?
With wear, all running shoes eventually lose their capacity to prevent potential overuse injuries. To maximise the properties that your trainers offer, you need to ensure that they don’t wear out to the extent that these properties are lost. How quickly this happens is determined by your mileage, body weight and biomechanics.
Running in worn shoes can increase the risk of injury in your lower body and spine.
How can I recognise wear in my running shoes?
- The sole has worn through to the under layer.
- The midsole feels too squashy and buckles easily under just a little pressure.
- The heel becomes bendy and less supportive.
- Your toes wear through the upper, which may be torn.
What increases the wear of my running shoes?
- Road running will wear out your shoes quicker than off-road running
- Higher body weight will wear out shoes quicker than lower body weight.
- Running on a daily basis will wear shoes out faster than running less frequently.
When should I replace my running shoes?
There is no absolute timescale. How long your shoes last, depends on both you and your weekly mileage. As a general rule, you should replace your running shoes at ~500 miles. However, some people say that wear can be significant at 200 miles. Keep a mileage log to gauge when your shoes may need replacing.